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Lots of inspiring and insightful information were shared on 28 Aug, 2019 at Gender Equality In The Workplace Panel. A big thank you to all the wonderful speakers, and our co-organizer Adecco team. Our plans to build a better workplace FOR ALL starts from you and me and we will continue to learn along the way. We are looking forward to seeing more organizations to apply the same idea in their workplaces and policies.
Speak to our consultant to find out how we can help you to build a better workplace for your organization or contact us for more information!
Work 6 days a week, 9 am to 9 pm. You must have heard of the “996” statement recently. Once the term was introduced, it led to discussions in various circles, such as balancing work and life, employee’s engagement, productivity and work environment.
In July Ms. Alicia Tung – COO of Great Place To Work, Greater China was in invited as a guest to share her thoughts of 996. She pointed out: “‘996’ is a sign of falling behind, not a progression” At the same time, she stressed that “996 does not necessarily improve efficiency, but having clear values and directions are the fundamental key points to motivate employees to love their work. ”
She also shared her views in many ways, including the differences in working environment in China and abroad; how overseas entrepreneurs fit into the Chinese workplace culture; and how corporate founders create a great workplace for their employees
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